Get the right offers from recruiters based on performance data


Get a fast overview of Deecido and SOME OF THE GREAT FEATURES




Our workflow is co-created with more than 30 large organizations in the Nordics. Our matching algorithm, content and reports are designed to support procurement and talent acquisition processes 

Create request
and tell your recruitment partners which recruitment you need a recruiter for
Compare proposals
From the most relevant recruiters, based on performance data, price and guarantee
Accept recruiter proposal
with the best price and quality

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Deecido's rekrutteringsplatform

Recruiter matching

Deecido´s network of your preferred recruiters are matched against your job request. The most qualified recruiters are selected and invited to send an offer for your assignment.

The recruiters are automatically matched by our algorithm on ratings and performance feedback from prior relevant assignments, hiring managers and candidates.

Offer Comparing

Deecido´s network of your preferred recruiters are matched against your job request. The most qualified recruiters are selected and invited to send an offer for your assignment.

The recruiters are automatically matched by our algorithm on ratings and performance feedback from prior relevant assignments, hiring managers and candidates.