About Deecido

We create value for companies and recruiters

We developed Deecido with input from over 100 HR and recruitment managers in the Nordic region, creating a unique software that enables companies to establish a digital and quality-assured process whenever they need to collaborate with a recruitment agency.

For companies

Deecido skaber værdi- Get-3-offer

At Deecido we want to help Hiring Companies find the right recruiters based on experience, relevant prior results and the right price. Hopefully this will enable the company to hire better and faster!

Deecido is designed for large companies and enterprises with preferred recruitment partners. We will deliver on demand performance reports with NPS scores and even track the candidates experience with the recruiter.

It is all about hiring the right people and getting the right recruiter is a great start!

For recruiters

Deecido skaber værdi - Find-recruiter

Our goal is to help the recruiters become even more successful by giving them a platform to show their great performance and achievements and let the results speak for themselves.

Deecido is designed for both the individual recruiter and for the agency with one purpose – to deliver better results and promote quality. 

We want to help the recruiters win the right assignments and focus on delivering world class recruitments. This will enable a high client satisfaction and great feedback, which again will give the recruiters even more Deecido leads.

Our Purpose

Deecido´s goal is to change the way,
the recruitment industry works today.

Deecido skaber værdi

THe Founder

Deecido´s founder and CEO, Thomas Hollen has been a part of the recruitment industry for almost 20 years and it is his long experience along with feedback from more than 30 HR Managers and CEO´s from the Recruitment Industry, that helped shape Deecido.

“I have had a stomach ache for many years” Thomas says, and being a part of an industry, filled with both fantastic and terrible recruiters and no way to differentiate yourself from the crowd, is very frustrating. “When I called a potential client, I was often the tenth recruiter, who called on the same day, and all the others said exactly the same as I did”. 

With Deecido, I believe that the great recruiters will get the opportunity to shine and they will also be rewarded with relevant business leads, increased prices and a big smile on their face. 

In the same time, the HR Manager or the Hiring Manager will be able to decide which recruiters they want to work with on specific assignments based on transparency and data. 

By finding the right recruiters in a crowded industry, Deecido will help our clients hire better people who will last longer. 

Rekrutteringsplatform med førsteklasses funktioner - Find den bedste rekrutteringspartner

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