No licenses - no pre-payments - no integrations required

A unique software solution to digitalize and enhance the process of working with external Recruitment Partners


Ideal for 1-5 hires per year
0 Per job
  • Full access to recruiter marketplace
  • Standardized Recruitment Terms
  • Escrow Service (payment administration)
  • Multiple users on each assignment
  • Screening questions
  • The most relevant offers in 3 days
  • Recruiter video presentations
  • Weekly status updates/collaboration
  • Candidate exp. and diversity tracking
  • Final report with assignment insights
  • Dedicated Customer Success Manager


Ideal for 6-25 hires per year
649 Per job
  • Everything in "Free"
  • Custom Recruitment Terms
  • Peferred Partner Management
  • Screening Questionnaires
  • Roles & Permissions
  • Country/Affiliate Management
  • Corporate Insights and Statistics
  • Book your favorite recruitment partners​

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Let us tell you what Deecido it's all about and how you and your company can benefit, if you sign up.