analytics and insights

data and insights to help you make better hiring decisions


Time-to-hire analytics

One of the most important metrics is the Time-to-hire. With Deecido you can benchmark your preferred partners on their performance, when it comes to delivering the best candidates and doing it fast.

Analytics and insights
Analytics and insights

company and job attractiveness

When using Deecido, you will get feedback from each recruitment assignment about your company´s and the specific job´s attractiveness and you will be able to see insights and data.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Meausure your recruitment partners on their ability to deliver candidates who represent your organisations DEI strategy. Set goals and benchmark your vendors.

Analytics and insights

recruiter performance

Perform in-depth analysis of recruiter experience and performance, which has been verified by other companies and candidates, before selecting them for your assignment. 

Reports and analytics examples:

RECRUITER performance

in different job categories, levels and regions

Time to hire Benchmarks

and number of candidates delivered

The Candidate experience

assess the recruiters performance

Ratings and NPS scores

based on your own hiring managers feedback

Employee retention after 6 or 12 months

which supplier delivers best long-term candidates

Salary benchmark on specific assignments

compared to market salaries

Your company´s attractiveness

in different job categories

Reasons for rejections

why candidates aren´t interested and much more

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